Historical societies or museum organizations in Canada often establish trusts or foundations to secure long term non-governmental financial support from the community at large; it also gives the society a measure of fiscal independence. The Wolfville Historical Society established its Memorial Foundation in 1993 to receive donations and bequests in memory of deceased citizens of Wolfville. They created a Civic Memorial Book to record and preserve the lifetime contributions made by these citizens to the community. The book allows past and future readers to understand and appreciate the contribution these citizens have made to Wolfville. Each entry occupies a single page in the book. The book is displayed in the Randall House Museum, during open hours, or by appointment.
Family, friends or community organizations can nominate people to remember. The Trustees of the Foundation are responsible for accepting and selecting names for entry in the book, undertaking research, writing and editing citations and preparing them for entry into the book. The Trustees correspond with those sponsoring the page to ensure accuracy.
Please contact the Society if you wish to discuss the placing of a new page or wish to make a donation or a bequest to the Foundation. The Society is a registered charitable organization and provides official receipts for donors’ income tax purposes.
(Select any of the names listed below to view a facsimile of their page in the Memorial Book)
Archibald, Rosamond Madison Dewolfe
Balcom, Dr. Alfred Burpee
Balcom, Eric Wilfred
Borden, Karl
Bowles, Edward Perry
Brown, E. Percy
Burgess, Charles Rufus
Chambers, Robert William
Chambers, John Darby
Chase, William Henry
Cochrane, Ross and Agnes
Coombs, Chester Grover Cleveland
Crawley, Dr. Edmund Albert
Cutten, George Barton
Delahunt, Charles
Denton, George Douglas
Denton, Luella Gertrude
deWitt, C.E. Avery
de Witt, George E.
DeWolfe, Owen Royal
De Wolfe, Royal Warner
Dixon, Rev. Richard Ferguson
Eaton, Dr. Frank Howard
Elliott, Malcolm Robertson
Elliot, Robins Leonard
Elliott, Shirley Burnham
Elliott, Jean Steadman Haley
Fairn, Leslie and Ethel
Ford, Robie Washington |
Ford, Sadie (Jamieson)
Foster, Mona Parsons Leonhardt
Fraser, Major William Kenneth
Fry, James Barry
Gordon, Seymour Clifford
Hanright, Ella Phyllis Maxwe
Hansford, Cecil & Cora
Harding, Theodore Seth
Harding, Florence Upham
Harry, Mary
Herbin, John Frederic
Ilsley, Vesta May Pick
Jodrey, Roy A
Johnson, Minnie Ray
Keirstead, Capt. Ronald McNeil
Keirstead, Margaret Barss (Stackhouse)
Kelly, Frederick Gerard
Kirkconnell, Watson
Kirkconnell, Hope Kitchener
Langley, Rev. Dr. Abner J.
Levy, Isaac Judson
Longley, Ronald Stewart
Lumsden, Clarence Basil
Machum, Don and Mary
MacKinnon, Dalton Russell
Moore, Laura Haliburton
Nowlan, George Clyde
Nowlan, Miriam Grace Chisholm
Olsen, Herman Christopher |
Olsen, Florence Stovel
Parsons, Mona
Patriquin, Charles Aubrey
Patriquin, Sarah North Craig
Patterson, Frederic William
Perry, Dr. Horace Greeley
Pierson, Nicholas
Porter, Charles H. and Ola F.
Pryor, Dr. John
Richmond, Dr. Gordon Baxter
Richmond, Edith Florence (Butcher)
Ruffee, George Edward Moodie
Sawyer, Artemas Wyman
Shaw, Lloyd Ethelbert
Shaw, Lillian Maude (Morse)
Silver, Basil Courtney
Silver, Etta (MacDonald)
Sipprell, Harold Fritz
Trotter, Thomas
Tufts, Robie Wilfred
Welch, Frank Corbett
West, Gladys Irene
Weston, Katie May
Withrow, Winfred David
Wright, Charles H
Woodman, Frances Mary
Young, Cecil |